“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.”
— 2 Timothy 2:15

Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed!

Faith Bible Fellowship Awana clubs meet weekly, for children in grades Pre-K (4 years old)-6 Grade, from September through April, and are led by an all volunteer staff of over 60 adults who give of themselves to teach and help children. All staff members have undergone background checks, as required by the FBF Children’s Workers Policy. All have also completed special Awana training and are certified to be leaders. Some are parents of present or former Awana clubbers, and all have a heart for children.

Awana seeks to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.


AWANA Registration

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Please fill out the registration completely for each child attending Awana. Our Awana program is for children Pre-K (4 years old) through GRADE 6. If your child is home schooled, please indicate the present grade level, which will be used as your child’s benchmark for all future years.


Please note, the Cubbies class (age 4) is now full for the 2024-2025 season.

If your child is new to Awana at Faith BFC, please complete a New Clubber registration form.

If your child is returning to Awana at Faith BFC, please complete a Returning Clubber registration form.


Awana Quizzing


We are once again forming a Quiz Team this year. Chris & Lori Van Ingen and Shelva Hess are our Quiz coaches again this year. Quiz practice this year is being held at church from 12:00 - 2:00pm. If your T&T clubber would like to be a part of the Quiz Team, please contact Chris during any AWANA Club night.