Vertical Marriage
“A more vibrant marriage is possible when it’s built on a foundation of active faith. Join Dave and Ann Wilson in this new 5-week series as they share real-life stories filled with a whole lot of laughter and practical applications for every marriage. Each video session is paired with dynamic group discussion and intentional couple’s connection time. Added bonus? There’s no homework – so couples in your group will reap the benefits without adding more tasks into their busy schedules.” FamilyLife - Dave and Ann Wilson
Each session you will:
Watch a 25-minute video
Talk through discussion questions and what each session means to you
Understand your spouse and feel understood through Couple’s Connection
Experience a Vertical Moment together
Sessions will be held on the following Sunday evenings in Room 200 from 6:00-7:30PM:
September 12, 26
October 10, 24
November 14
Sessions include:
Session One: The Elusive Secret
Session Two: Fight Me Like a Man
Session Three: To Cheer and to Cherish
Session Four: God in the Bedroom
Session Five: All In!
Childcare will be provided for children up to 12 years of age. Cost is $10 per couple to cover the price of the study book. Click here to sign up!