Summer Mission Trip Application Reminder

This summer we will have the opportunity to send a team to Southeast Asia for a short-term mission trip in order to serve missionary families who are on the field long-term. Our purpose will be to provide a program for kids and teenagers so that parents can attend a conference and be refreshed for their service on the field. The trip itself will take place at the end of July and into the beginning of August. If you would be interested in being part of this team, please fill out an application, available on our website or in the church office. Please turn in applications to the church office by Sunday, February 16th.

Elder/Deacon Nominations

At our church family meeting in November, we shared our desire to allow the congregation to participate in the Elder and Deacon nomination process. For church members, there are nomination forms available in the back of the Family Life Center. Please return the forms to the church office by Sunday, February 16th.

MoneyLife Personal Finance Study

God requires us to be faithful in the managing of our money. Unfortunately, Christians have usually been taught only how to handle ten percent of their income - the area of giving. Although this area is crucial, by default, Christians have learned how to handle the other ninety percent from man’s perspective, not God's perspective. Come to our Wednesday evening Bible study where we will learn about God’s principles of managing money. This class will help you overcome financial challenges and gain control over your money and your life. More importantly, the hope of the class is for individuals to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and discover that the Bible has more than 2,350 verses dealing with money and practical answers to financial problems.


When: Wednesday at 6:30pm for 10 weeks. Starting February 26th.

Where: Church Modular

Who: You! Everyone is called to be a faithful steward.