Worship Resources
May 17, 2020
The following resources are intended to assist you in worship as you gather as families throughout the week.
Worship in Singing
Sing along to the following songs with lyrics provided.
May 2020 Song of the Month
Children’s Worship Song
Worship in the Word
Watch Pastor Keith Long’s sermon, available at 10:00 AM.
Sermon Discussion Questions:
What has our study of 1 Thessalonians taught us about the fate of Believers compared to Unbelievers when Christ returns?
Have you ever desired to know the date of Christ’s return? How would knowing the precise timing of His coming affect how you lived your everyday life? Why do you think the Lord has not revealed the exact time of His return?
How does having a firm hope in the future allow you to live a confident life today?
What are some practical ways that you can respond to this passage: Personally? With your Family? With your Neighbors? At Work? With Unbelievers specifically?
Worship in Prayer
Use our sermon text as a foundation for a time of prayer:
Adoration: Praise God for being the Sovereign Ruler over all of space, time, and matter.
Confession: Humbly confess and repent of the ways that you have sought to “steal” God’s sovereignty from Him and claim it for yourself (i.e. through seeking control over matters outside of your control, giving into fear and anxiety, etc.).
Thanksgiving: Thank God for the many gifts of His providence to sustain, guide, and bless your life. Thank Him for sending Jesus Christ to bear your sin in his body on the cross, so that you could be forgiven, reconciled, redeemed, adopted, sanctified, delivered from the wrath to come, and one day glorified in His presence forever!
Supplication: Ask the Lord to guide the Pastors, Elders, and Deacons as we seek His wisdom in restarting onsite worship gatherings at Faith BFC.