Worship Resources

May 3, 2020

The following resources are intended to assist you in worship as you gather as families throughout the week.

Worship in Singing

Sing along to the following songs with lyrics provided.

May 2020 Song of the Month: How Long, O Lord


Worship in the Word

Watch Pastor Keith Long’s sermon, available at 10:00 AM.

Sermon Discussion Questions:

  • How does your faith in Christ make a difference in your everyday life? Are there any parts of your life that remain untouched by your faith? If so, why?

  • How does the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit enable you to love others? What are some practical ways that you have demonstrated “brotherly love” to other Christians in the past? How can you excel more and more in loving others, especially during this time of isolation?

  • How can you tell if the members of a local church genuinely love one another? What does it look like if genuine love is absent?

  • What does Paul mean when he tells the Thessalonians to live quiet lives, mind their own affairs, and work with their hands? Why is it so important for Christians to live this way?

  • What are some practical ways that you can apply Paul’s instructions from this passage at church, home, work, school, in your neighborhood, or during a leisure activity?


Worship in Prayer

Use our sermon text as a foundation for a time of prayer:

  • Adoration: Praise God as your Heavenly Father: As the all-wise, all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving Father who is ever-present with you.

  • Confession: Humbly confess and repent of the ways that you have failed to love others, or live quietly, or mind your own affairs, or work hard as you are called to do.

  • Thanksgiving: Thank God for graciously providing His Son as the all-sufficient sacrifice for your sin so that you could be adopted into the Family of God. Thank Him for placing you within a local congregation where you can love and be loved by your Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

  • Supplication: Ask the Lord for eyes to see opportunities to love others in tangible ways, both within the church and beyond. Pray that the Lord would help you to cultivate a credible witness before “outsiders” in the way you live your everyday life.


Additional Resources

Children’s Sunday School


Adult Sunday School