Worship Resources
May 10, 2020
The following resources are intended to assist you in worship as you gather as families throughout the week.
Worship in Singing
Sing along to the following songs with lyrics provided.
Children’s Worship Song
Worship in the Word
Watch Pastor Keith Long’s sermon, available at 10:00 AM.
State the main point of this passage in one sentence.
The Thessalonians were experiencing sorrow and grief because they were ignorant of certain truths. What are some areas where ignorance of biblical doctrine commonly creates confusion, fear, and grief?
On what basis was Paul so confident that the Thessalonian’s loved ones would not miss out on the blessings of Christ’s return? How does this certainty give us hope today?
What are some specific ways that you can respond to this passage and live in the light of Christ’s imminent return?
Worship in Prayer
Use our sermon text as a foundation for a time of prayer:
Adoration: Praise Jesus Christ for being your Great Prophet, Priest, and soon-coming King.
Confession: Humbly confess and repent of the ways that you have failed to live in light of the return of Christ.
Thanksgiving: Thank God for giving you the assurance that your future resurrection is inseparably connected to Christ’s own resurrection. Thank Him for guaranteeing your eternal life in His presence through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Supplication: Ask the Lord to help you encourage others with the truths found in this passage (those who are grieving, other believers, and even those who don’t know Christ).