Worship Resources
MAY 24, 2020
The following resources are intended to assist you in worship as you gather as families throughout the week.
Worship in Singing
Sing along to the following songs with lyrics provided.
Children’s Worship Song
Worship in the Word
Watch Pastor Keith Long’s sermon, available at 10:00 AM.
How does the promise of Christ’s return encourage Christians to live awake, alert, and sober lives?
Why is it important to keep our identity in Christ and our activity for Christ in their proper order? What dangers do we risk encountering when we live as if our activity produced our identity?
How would you explain the image that Faith, Love, and Hope are like pieces of armor for the Christian to use in our fight against temptation and sin?
What is the central message, or ultimate point, that Paul wanted the believers in Thessalonica to take away from his instructions in 4:13 – 5:11? How will you respond?
Worship in Prayer
Use our sermon text as a foundation for a time of prayer:
Adoration: Worship God for His holiness, justice, righteousness, grace, mercy, and love.
Confession: Humbly confess and repent of the ways that you are prone to live (and have lived) like a “child of the night” instead of a “child of the day.” Seek the Lord’s forgiveness and cleansing through the merits of Jesus Christ your Savior.
Thanksgiving: Thank God for sending His Son to bear the wrath of God that you deserved for your sin and to transform you and give you a new identity in Christ. Thank Him that your identity also now secures your destiny: eternal life with the Lord!
Supplication: Ask the Lord to help you live a life that is awake and sober, dedicated to the Lord, and faithful in speaking of Him to others, until the Lord returns.